A crucial update for Dr Rob Fagan at The University of Sheffield

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A crucial update for Dr Rob Fagan at The University of Sheffield

Rob Fagan’s lab recently welcomed a new addition in the form of a Whitley A35 Anaerobic Workstation. Located at The University Of Sheffield’s Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Rob Fagan’s group study the interaction between Clostridium difficile and its host. Until recently, the group were monitoring their samples within a Whitley MG500 Workstation. They will continue to use this older unit but have now acquired the much more sophisticated A35 Workstation to use alongside it. The amount of atmospheric control that the A35 offers is greatly beneficial to work of this type, and real time feedback on the conditions within the cabinet makes monitoring results far more accurate. The rapid airlock system also makes the removal and addition of samples an efficient process, all whilst maintaining stable atmospheric conditions.

“Our work focusses on the secretion, assembly, structure and function of Clostridium difficile surface structures – in particular the S-layer. The A35 is an addition to our existing anaerobic work space. We started the lab 3 years ago with a recommissioned MG500. The A35 is a much more advanced piece of kit, allowing much greater control and monitoring of our anaerobic growth conditions. For some of our work this capability is absolutely crucial.”Dr Robert Fagan, The University Of Sheffield

workstation in useworkstation in use2








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